Saturday, July 25, 2009

Baby stuff

I heard a great tip a few weeks ago about swim diapers. Did you know that you can wash and dry them with the regular laundry and reuse them as long as they are only wet and not soiled? Awesome money savings! I was a little skeptical thinking they'd lose their elasticity and their ability to hold the urine, but they don't at all. Good as new. Of course, if you so desire, you could just buy the cloth swim diapers. But we got a pack of Pampers swimmies last Labor Day when we went to Georgia (and to my sister's pool) and couldn't find anything smaller than a size 3. Hannah's still in size 3 diapers, and I'm still on the first pack of those diapers we've ever gotten.

Secondly, Hannah got her 15-month shots and the very next day started to cut all 4 canines (eye teeth). I've heard horrible things about these teeth coming in, and Hannah definitely suffered (and she's still at it). She spiked a 101 fever from the shots and teeth combo, and she developed a horrible diaper rash. She would scream and writhe in pain when we'd change dirty diapers, and it was heartbreaking. We ran out of wipes, and Chris went to the store for me. He came back with a different wipe than I normally get (Huggies Naturally Refreshing with Green Tea), and I was leery to try new wipes on such a rashy rear. When I used them for the first time, I was shocked. Hannah didn't even flinch! Her rash was no better than it was when I used my old standard (Huggies sensitive skin - no dyes or perfumes), but she showed no discomfort at all. When we were out and about, she screamed again at the use of the sensitive skin wipes that are in the car. Then again, when we got home, she didn't react at all to the new ones. So, for once, the claim on the packaging seemed to ring true for us. It's worth a shot!

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