Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shaving Cream

When I used to teach, shaving cream was a go-to activity for a rainy day. This will be a huge hit with your preschool/pre-K aged children. And it's cheap, easy, and quick to pull together. I always buy sensitive skin shaving cream (pictured above). Just squirt a dab onto your counter, give your child plastic silverware, scrub brushes, paint brushes, etc., and let them go to town. The best parts: the shaving cream will eventually dissolve, so you'll only need a damp cloth to clean up, shaving cream will clean anything off your counter - including permanent marker - so do this where you need some clean-up, shaving cream doesn't stain clothes! If you want to add another dimension, stir in some food coloring before you give it to your child. You can do the primary colors and let them mix for a color-mixing lesson, let them use it as finger paint, or coordinate it for birthday parties or holidays.

Have fun! We sure did!


  1. Hey girl! I'm finally getting caught up on this blog! I am bummed I missed all fo the wonderful Mother's day ideas. I love your creativity and I miss you!

    Thanks for always sharing.

    We can't find shaving cream here that doesn't cost a fortune! Can you believe it? All of it is that expensive imported brands to condition men's skin. Nonsense.


  2. my daughter's daycare class does this a lot! What a great idea!
