Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Solid Foundation of Faith

My kids are now 3 years, 5 months and 17 months old. Neither are in preschool, so the three of us hang out all day every day together. After carefully considering whether or not to send our 3-year-old to preschool this year, we've decided to keep her home instead. I used to teach at a preschool, and my plan was to start to implement that curriculum at home with both kids. But my 3-year-old already knows all of her shapes, colors, numbers, letters, letter sounds, and most letter blends. She's starting to read and write 3-letter words. We have zero structured learning time as-is; she is just a sponge and loves to learn. I do not feel like she needs any supplementing in that area. She's already where she needs to be for Kindergarten, and I have no interest in rushing any more schooling in unless she's ready and seeking.

So my heart really turned more toward a year-long vacation Bible school set-up. I have such a desire to build the foundation of faith here, in my home, prior to sending my kids off to Kindergarten. My problem is not at all a lack of ideas, resources, or time. It's 100% a lack of planning. We are always dreaming up projects. But, after finally gathering everything to complete them, my 3-year-old has typically lost interest. Often our last-minute ideas require trips to the craft store to complete. I really wanted a way to have a loose plan for each week that includes gathering supplies for different projects to have at-the-ready for times when boredom strikes.

I've been working hard for the past week on a new blog chronicling my plans. A Solid Foundation of Faith is my new baby. Each week I'll add a theme based on a Bible story or concept. I'll list activities, recipes, adventures, service ideas, books, songs, and fingerplays that go along with the theme. From then on it's up to each person how to use it. You can go all-out and schedule your week around the activities. Or, like me, you can pick and choose the projects that would work for your family, gather all of the supplies each weekend, and pull them out when you have the opportunity.

I'll use it much like Tiny Tidbits to feature ideas here and there that I've seen online too. And I'll share with you some things that I learned as a chapel leader of kids 18 months old to 2nd grade over the years. But, unlike this site, the activities will all be geared toward the under Kindergarten crowd, specifically shaping their hearts for Christ.

If this is of any interest to you, I hope you'll come visit!


  1. This is WONDERFUL! I have Finley in montessori school three days a week, which doesn't have any faith-based curriculum. I'm going to start trying some of your activities with her on the days she isn't in school. Thanks so much for starting this Alicia!

  2. This is interesting...to have a blog on crafts and recipes based on a Bible story or concept. I'm sure it will be a fun project to do especially with kids as well.

    Could you spend some time on my blog and comment as well on the effects of war and poverty that I have done? It's one of my goals to share the information with the readers and I'd like to hear feedback from everyone.

