Sunday, January 4, 2009

Knitting Tip

Do you knit or crochet? If so, I hope this is helpful. I seem to knit a lot of patterns that are repeating. I'm interrupted a lot, so I tried to start keeping track of what section I'm on by marking on a paper. But, inevitably, I don't always have the paper with me, and I easily lose track. One day I came up with a very simple solution, and I've LOVED how much it's helped. To keep track of my sections, I tie a knot in the tail of the yarn for each one completed. That way I always have the tally with the project so I know right where I've left off. Hope this helps you too!


Brandon and Jenny said... you just have to post a blog teaching me how to knit! I bought a book once and it is absolutely no help to me. Maybe I am just inept. :)

Amy said...

You're not inept, Jenny! I tried to learn to crochet from a book and it was took my mother-in-law all of 4 minutes to show me, and now I can do it just fine (single crochet, at least). You just need a knitting mentor to show you in person, it's much more helpful...

Brandon and Jenny said...

Can someone please make an overseas trip to teach me?